About Project



The project Support to Commission for State Aid Control aims to support to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and in particular the existing state aid control and granting institutions, in alignment of rules and procedures in the field of state aid control with the EU acquis. The project is managed by the Ministry of Finance – Department for Contracting and Financing of European Union Funded Programs.

„Think State Aid First“ is one of the key project’s messages, intended to enable that state aid control rules are part of the earliest planning phase within institutions. The important segment of the project is raising awareness of all stakeholders in the public sector, as well as of citizens, about the fact that integration of state aid control rules is a tool for long term strengthening of public finances, and that state aid in accordance with the rules can be one of instruments of economic and social growth.

Within the project, training sessions in the field of state aid will be organised for all 174 local self-government units in Serbia, as well as an exchange of experience between Serbian state aid control experts and most relevant experts from the EU.

Overall project’s objective is to further support Serbia’s progress on its European Union accession path (among others through alignment with acquis communautaire), specifically for what relates to Negotiation Chapter 8 – Competition Policy, by securing progress in further development and implementation of the system of rules and procedures in the field of state aid control.

  • Public Administration
EuropeAid reference
• EuropeAid references: EuropeAid/139349/IH/SER/RS
  • Transversal activities
  • Alignment of State aid rules and schemes with EU acquis
  • Capacity building of the Ministry of Finance’s Department for State Aid and the Commission for State Aid in decision making on solving state aid cases
  • Support in improving mechanisms of coordination between the Commission, the Department and other State aid stakeholders and in increasing awareness on state aid control.
City / District
EU Contribution
999,000 €
Implementation period
February 2019 - September 2021
Main beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia. Institutional beneficiaries of the project are all state aid grantors in the Republic of Serbia. Indirectly, the beneficiaries of the project are the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, business associations and non-governmental sector. End recipients are the Ministry’s Department for state aid control and the Commission for State Aid Control.
Implemented by
Alternative Consulting in consortium with DMI France and Competition Council of Republic of Lithuania